Located in Toronto, Canada, Benson is the result of the hard-work and dedication of father-daughter duo Tahsin and Ilayda Eltemur.

Add in Michael Ryan, a fashion powerhouse. Tahsin and Michael met over a beer to discuss trends in the fashion industry. Their conversation led to the problem of how fashion brands had to choose between good quality fabric and reasonable prices. Shortly after, Benson was born. Both had a lot to offer with a combined 70+ years of experience in sales and textiles.

They take pride in a collection that is cross-generational. With their combined experiences and Ilayda's fresh outlook in design, the collection remains timeless and innovative, season after season.

Benson makes style look easy. From colors to silhouettes, they seamlessly incorporate current trends into seasonal collections, all while preserving their signature effortless look of functionality, comfort, and style.